Everything you need to know about our Company


Beyond Meals Inc. is a CACFP Food Program Sponsor which is administered in Texas through the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). The Child and Adult Care Food Program(CACFP) is a nutrition assistance program that provides supplemental reimbursement for eligible meals and snacks served at participating Child Care Centers, Day Care Home Providers, and Adult Day Care Centers.

BeyondMeals assumes the responsibility for managing and directing the CACFP for its sponsored sites. We believe it is the right of every child to have access to nutritious foods and a nurturing environment that provides for an enjoyable mealtime experience.

Proper nutrition in childhood can reinforce lifelong eating habits that contribute to children’s overall well being and help them to grow up to their full potential and a healthy life. We are here to help you and your children live happy and healthy lives through nutrition and education.

We are working to promote healthy eating habits by equipping child care providers with the necessary tools and resources needed to offer well-balanced nutritional meals and snacks to children in their care. We believe in the community strength and diversity,work with integrity and exemplify honest practices.

What we do

  • Administer and Monitor the food program
  • Educate providers on best nutrition practices
  • Provide mentorship and resources to enhance your business
  • Ensure our providers understand and follow program requirements
  • Disburse timely reimbursement funds to each provider monthly

Our Mission

  • Enhance quality of life, improve health and wellbeing of children and adults through development of healthy eating habits.
  • Our goal is to provide services, training, and education to child care professionals and parents through child care programs and services.
  • It is never too early to start building healthy habits that will last a lifetime!

Why Choose Us

  • We are dedicated to building excellence in early child care and aim to accomplish this through education, advocacy and support for families and early childhood professionals.
  • Spend more time on your business, less time on the food program.
  • Electronically submit monthly food program claims.
  • Free software for recording attendance and Meal served, thus increasing productivity
  • Enhance your professional skills through free nutrition training
  • Menu Planning and Development
  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Free on site and online Training and Support


Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) provides aid to child and adult care institutions and day care homes for the provision of nutritious foods that contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children, and the health and wellness of older adults and chronically impaired disabled persons.

As part of their regular care, children and adults receive nutritious meals and snacks at child care centers and homes that participate in CACFP. Child care centers, adult day care centers, day care homes, afterschool care centers, and emergency shelters receive cash reimbursement for serving meals and snacks that meet Federal nutritional guidelines to eligible children and adult participants.

CACFP reimburses centers at free, reduced-price, or paid rates for eligible meals and snacks served to eligible children and adult participants. For further information, please visit our Resources page.